OC Wellness Physicians Medical Group

How Quickly Does Spinal Decompression Work?




At OC Wellness Physicians, we specialize in treating lower back pain, a pervasive issue affecting eight in ten individuals. With our focus on spinal decompression, let’s explore its effectiveness and timeline for relief, ensuring you reclaim a pain-free life swiftly.

Key Takeaway:

  • Lower back pain is a common issue affecting many, and at OC Wellness Physicians, we offer effective treatments like spinal decompression.
  • Spinal decompression is a computer-aided technology cleared by the FDA for various conditions including herniated discs, sciatica, and more.
  • The timeline for relief varies but studies suggest significant pain relief within weeks for many patients.

How quickly does spinal decompression work?

Spinal decompression, a FDA-cleared technology, provides relief for various conditions like herniated discs and sciatica. Studies suggest significant pain relief within weeks for many patients.

Here at OC Wellness Physicians, we treat a huge number of patients who suffer from lower back pain, as this is an exceptionally common condition, which eight in ten people will experience at some stage in their life. If you are suffering from lower back pain, there is no one better to ensure you get back to feeling your best in no time.

Spinal Decompression Works

One of the best treatment options for such a condition is spinal decompression. We will take a look at this in further detail in this post, revealing what it is, the different conditions it can treat, the different types of therapies it can be combined with, as well as how quickly it takes for spinal decompression to work.

How Quickly Does Spinal Decompression Work?

Before we explain how quickly spinal decompression works, we must first explain what it is. Spinal decompression is a revolutionary computer-aided technology that can help you when it comes to treating the symptoms that are associated with lower back pain that occurs due to a wide range of conditions, such as slipped discs, degenerated, bulging, and herniated discs. This is a treatment that has been around for more than a decade now and is cleared by the FDA as well.

Some of the different conditions it can help treat include post-surgical pain, spinal stenosis, degenerative discs, sciatica, pinched nerves, bulging discs, herniated discs, and much more. Below, we will discuss more of these conditions in further detail, as well as explaining the different sorts of therapies that may be used with spinal decompression to help you get better.

Now that you have a good understanding of what spinal decompression treatments are, let’s take a look at how long it will take for you to see the results. There have been a number of different studies into this. It is estimated that roughly one in every five patients will start to experience some form of pain relief within the first week. Moreover, two in every five patients will start to experience some significant relief from pain within the first two to three weeks. Aside from this, one in every five patients will encounter considerable relief from their pain in approximately a month or six weeks.

As you can see, the timeline can differ from patient to patient. After all, we are all different and we all experience different degrees of pain. Plus, we all react to treatments differently. Therefore, it is impossible to put an exact figure on this but we hope that the estimates above will help you to get a better understanding of how long this is going to take.

Helping To Cure The Back Problems You Are Experiencing

There are many causes of lower back pain, with most being musculoskeletal injuries, such as joint dysfunction, ligament sprains and muscular strains, which is especially the case when pain occurs during or after physical loading of the spine. Yet, there are many different ways you could suffer from pain in the lower back, with a traumatic (sudden) injury being another example, and the following being a mere handful of other causes –  a pinched nerve, core stability deficiency, bulging disc, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and much more.

The key to ensuring you get the right treatment is to provide an accurate diagnosis, which will be the first part of the process when you visit us at OC Wellness Physicians. We will thoroughly assess the issue to get to the root of the problem so that we can provide you with a bespoke treatment plan that will guarantee the most effective and efficient recovery.

The treatment plan we put together will, of course, depend on your condition, yet we will use a mixture of active physical therapy and passive physical therapy to alleviate pain and ensure a return to normal functionality. This means that our techniques range from exercises, stretches and hand manipulation techniques to using ice packs and heat application. All approaches are drug-free, which means that physiotherapy is the safest form of treatment.

When you choose OC Wellness Physicians you can be confident of the best possible service, as all of our physiotherapists are experienced and boast the necessary training and qualifications. They will make you feel comfortable and at ease throughout your session. Once they have finished providing you with the therapy required, they will give you all of the advice and education you need in order to manage the condition effectively at home so that you do not experience such terrible lower back pain again in the future.

If you have any questions about our service, or if you would like to book an appointment with one of our specialists and experienced professionals, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Postural Back Pain:

A lot of our patients experience back pain, and one of the main reasons for this is because they have adopted a poor posture over a prolonged period. Many of our patients do not realize that they have picked up a bad habit, yet sitting, standing or lying in an incorrect position can have a negative impact on the body, with most of our patients adopting poor posture while they are at the computer, driving, watching television or using their mobile phone, i.e. when they are sitting down.

This type of pain can show itself in a number of different ways and a lot of sufferers do not experience pain all of the time, rather they suffer when they are in a position for a prolonged period of time, and they will encounter either a burning sensation or a dull ache in their back, with symptoms sometimes showing themselves in the shoulders and neck as well. More often than not, all you need to do is change position and the pain will ease, yet this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see a physiotherapist, as the problem will only get worse if you don’t treat it and poor posture can have an extremely negative impact on your health.

When you book an appointment with one of our specialist physiotherapists, the first thing they will do is carry out a thorough examination of the issue to ensure a correct diagnosis, which can then be used to put together the most effective course of treatment for you based on your problem and your requirements. This treatment plan will include an array of exercises and hand manipulation techniques among other drug-free approaches. Once the session is over, the therapist will provide you with advice and education on how to manage the condition at home, including postural exercises to try and the best postural positions to adapt, so that you don’t experience the pain again.

Physiotherapy is undoubtedly the best solution for anyone suffering from postural back pain, as it gets to the root of the problem to provide an effective non surgical spinal decompression therapy in the long run, whereas other options tend to only offer short term relief. If you have any further questions about our service, or you would like to book an appointment with one of our friendly and experienced physiotherapists, simply give us a call today.

Prolapsed Disc:

A prolapsed disc, which is also known as a slipped disc or a herniated disc, is a condition that is very common and occurs when one of the discs that sits between the vertebrae – the bones of the spine – is damaged and causes pain because it presses against the nerves. We treat many patients with a prolapsed disc at OC Wellness Physicians, and we have plenty of experience in providing our customers with the quickest and most effective course of treatment.

There are many different symptoms that can occur in cases of a prolapsed disc; not only back pain, but it can cause neck pain and weakness, a tingling sensation and numbness in other parts of the body, including the sciatic nerve. There are several causes of a prolapsed disc, which happens when there is a split in the disc’s outer case, which causes the gel inside of the disc to bulge out of it. More often than not, a prolapsed disc is simply the result of getting older, as your spinal discs are more likely to rupture because they become less flexible due to a reduction in water content, yet people of all ages can suffer from a slipped disc.

Here at OC Wellness Physicians we will carry out a full assessment to understand the extent of the problem, which will often include the likes of examining the sensation in your limbs, your walking ability, the strength of your muscles, your reflexes and your posture. We will use the results to put together a treatment plan that is centered completely on your condition and your needs so that pain can be eradicated, and you can return to normal functionality as quickly as possible.

The treatment plan will involve a mixture of techniques, such as exercises, hand manipulation and deep tissue massage, which are used to help the slipped disc move away from the nerve so that it stops pressing on it and causing excruciating pain. Recovering from a prolapsed disc can usually take four to six weeks, yet this depends on each person and their condition. We will give you a realistic timeline of how long treatment will take, and we will provide you with all of the advice and education you need to manage the condition effectively at home.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with OC Wellness Physicians, get in touch today and one of our experienced therapists will ensure you get back to your best in no time.

 Lumbar Spondylosis (Osteoarthritis):

We treat a number of patients with lumbar spondylosis here at OC Wellness Physicians, with more than 80 per cent of people over the age of 40 years old showing signs of spondylosis on x-ray studies. The condition occurs when the ligaments and the bones in the spine begin to wear, which is why lumbar spondylosis is typically a result of aging, and when this wear occurs it leads to bone spurs. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible, as lumbar spondylosis can lead to other issues, such as bulging discs and disc herniation as a result of the weakening and degeneration of intervertebral discs.

Aside from experiencing lower back pain, a lot of people can encounter pain in their neck that comes from pinched nerves. It is difficult to know that you have lumbar spondylosis without conducting an x-ray, which is why the diagnosis stage is so important, and if you are experiencing any back pain it is vital to book an appointment with one of our friendly and professional physiotherapists. They will conduct a thorough assessment to get to the root of the problem and provide you with the most effective course of treatment.

When you visit our practice, one of our physiotherapists will carry out a number of exercises and hand manipulation techniques to ease the pain you are experiencing. It is vital to note that lumbar spondylosis is a degenerative process, and because of this there is no treatment to reverse the condition; it is all about pain management. This is why our therapist will talk you through all of the different techniques you can use at home for self-care to ensure you don’t experience such excruciating pain again. This will include core stability exercises, general exercises, tips on avoiding certain movements and over-stressing and such like. All of our approaches are drug-free, which means they are the safest form of treatment.

You can rest assured that there is no one better than OC Wellness Physicians when it comes to treatment of lumbar spondylosis. All of our physiotherapists boast extensive training and all of the necessary qualifications with years of practice in the industry. If you would like to book an appointment, or if you have any questions about the service we provide, please do not hesitate to give us a call to discover more about what we can do for you.

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