Why Physical Therapy Should Be Your Secret Weapon Before Surgery

Surgery, while sometimes necessary, can be a daunting prospect. The recovery process is often lengthy and filled with unknowns. But what if there was a way to optimize your body’s readiness for surgery and ultimately ease your recovery journey? Enter prehabilitation, or “pre-hab” – a physical therapy program specifically designed to prepare you for surgery.

Physical Therapy Should Be Your Secret Weapon Before Surgery

Why Pre-Hab is a Game Changer

Pre-hab isn’t just about stretching and strengthening exercises. A well-designed pre-hab program addresses various aspects of your physical health, leading to several benefits:

  • Improved Strength and Endurance: Pre-hab can help build muscle strength and endurance around the surgical site. Stronger muscles support the healing process and make it easier to resume daily activities post-surgery.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion: Surgery can sometimes lead to stiffness and reduced range of motion. Pre-hab exercises help improve flexibility, making it easier to perform essential tasks after surgery, like getting in and out of bed or climbing stairs.
  • Reduced Pain and Inflammation: Pre-hab can introduce pain management techniques and exercises that may help reduce inflammation and pain post-surgery, leading to a more comfortable recovery.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: Pre-hab can include exercises that improve cardiovascular health, which can benefit surgery and recovery.
  • Psychological Preparation: Engaging in pre-hab can empower you by giving you a sense of control over your recovery. It also allows you to establish a relationship with your physical therapist, creating a support system for the journey ahead.

Who Can Benefit from Pre-Hab?

Pre-hab isn’t just for athletes or major surgeries. It can benefit anyone undergoing surgery, regardless of the complexity. Here are some examples:

  • Orthopedic surgeries: Knee and hip replacements, rotator cuff repair, ACL reconstruction, etc.
  • Spine surgeries: Spinal fusions, disc surgeries, etc.
  • Bariatric surgery: Gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, etc.

What to Expect in Pre-Hab

A pre-hab program is typically customized to your specific surgery and overall health. It may include:

  • Comprehensive assessment: Your physical therapist will evaluate your muscle strength, flexibility, range of motion, and any specific limitations you may have.
  • Exercise program: Exercises may focus on strengthening target muscle groups, improving flexibility, and practicing essential movements you might need after surgery.
  • Pain management techniques: You may learn techniques like heat therapy, ice therapy, and specific stretches to manage pain before and after surgery.
  • Education: Your therapist will educate you on what to expect post-surgery, including limitations, precautions, and exercises that can aid recovery.

Finding the Right Physical Therapist

Finding a qualified physical therapist experienced in pre-hab is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Ask your doctor for a referral.
  • Search online directories for “physical therapy near me” or “
  • Look for a therapist with experience in treating patients undergoing similar surgeries.
  • Consider therapists who offer convenient locations and flexible scheduling.

In Conclusion

Pre-hab isn’t just a warm-up for surgery; it’s an investment in your recovery. By actively participating in pre-hab, you can strengthen your body, improve your physical fitness, and gain valuable tools for managing pain. This proactive approach can significantly impact your post-surgical progress and help you get back to your life faster and with greater ease.

OC Wellness Physician Medical Group: Your Partner in Pre-Hab and Recovery

At OC Wellness Physician Medical Group, our expert and compassionate staff understand the importance of pre-hab in a successful surgical outcome. We offer comprehensive pre-hab programs tailored to your individual needs to optimize your body

Orange CA is one city in Orange County. Westminster, Irvine, and Orange are all cities in Orange County. As this is currently, it would only benefit that one location.

What if I miss a pre-hab session?2024-04-22T23:28:56-07:00

Consistency is key in pre-hab. However, if you miss a session, try to reschedule as soon as possible. Don’t attempt exercises you haven’t reviewed with your physical therapist.

Will pre-hab hurt?2024-04-22T23:30:02-07:00

Pre-hab exercises should not cause pain. However, there may be some initial discomfort as you work on strengthening and increasing your range of motion. Always communicate any discomfort to your physical therapist so they can adjust techniques as needed.

How long should pre-hab last?2024-04-22T23:31:10-07:00

The duration of pre-hab can vary depending on the complexity of your surgery and your overall health. It typically ranges from 2-6 weeks, but your physical therapist will discuss the ideal timeframe based on your needs.

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