OC Wellness Physicians Medical Group

Chiropractic Care for Diabetes Sufferers


In a world where diabetes management often relies heavily on insulin and lifestyle changes, an unlikely ally emerges: chiropractic care. This approach offers a holistic avenue not just for managing symptoms but potentially preventing diabetes, particularly Type I, through improved central nervous system function.

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractic care can play a significant role in managing diabetes, particularly by improving central nervous system function, which in turn can positively affect pancreatic function.
  • Regular chiropractic treatments can help prevent the onset of diabetes and reduce the impact of existing diabetes by supporting optimal spinal alignment and nervous system health.
  • While primarily beneficial for Type II Diabetes patients in slowing the disease’s progression, chiropractic care also offers potential benefits for Type I Diabetes patients by reducing insulin dependency and enhancing overall wellness.

Can chiropractic care help manage or prevent diabetes?

Yes, chiropractic care can help manage and possibly prevent diabetes by restoring and maintaining the proper function of the central nervous system, which may improve pancreatic function and insulin regulation.

If you or someone you know has diabetes, particularly if suffering with Type I Diabetes, you have probably become accustomed to the fact that it is something which must be lived with and managed, aided by insulin tablets or injections. Certainly diabetes is not a condition you can afford to ignore – To do so is to take life threatening risks. However, by embracing a wellness care program that includes chiropractic care, the onset of diabetes can be avoided.

For those already diagnosed with any form of the condition, chiropractic treatment can also form a powerful aid in reducing its impact. In this article, I will explain why, however unlikely it sounds, seeing a chiropractor can improve the quality of life for diabetes patients.

Treatment of Diabetes with Insulin

If you have Type II Diabetes, you should be able to control it with doses of insulin taken orally, along with some attention to a healthy lifestyle. However Type I Diabetes sufferers must have daily insulin injections and need to monitor their blood sugar levels several times per day. There is no other way to successfully manage this diabetes variant, yet insulin treatment is not always without problems. Patients may sometimes suffer serious side effects, which include:

  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath

While it may seem there is little that can be done to avoid diabetes and the associated need for insulin, if your fate is to develop the condition, two facts are very often overlooked:

  1. The onset of diabetes can be avoided with the right wellness protocols, which include chiropractic care.
  1. Patients with the disease can reduce the risks of needing higher and higher doses of insulin, by supplementing their allopathic care with treatment from a chiropractor.

Chiropractic Care as an Effective Diabetes Treatment:

The question probably on your lips right now is “What does spinal care have to do with a pancreatic disorder like diabetes?” The question is an understandable one, but also one that I can answer for you. Evidence is emerging to suggest that diabetes is not purely and simply an endocrine or autoimmune problem, but is also linked to central nervous system function.

The nerves to your pancreas are supplied from your middle back and upper neck. If these nerves fail to do their job properly for any reason, your pancreatic function suffers in turn. This might result in failure of the pancreas to supply your body with insulin.

Chiropractic care is concerned with restoring and maintaining the proper function of your central nervous system, by correcting spinal misalignments which interfere with your nerves’ ability to work correctly. The nerves to your pancreas can be as affected by spinal misalignments (subluxations) as any other part of your nervous system. If diabetes is indeed partly attributable to a deterioration of nerve impulses to pancreatic cells, it should be no surprise that chiropractic treatment can improve pancreatic function and therefore be effective in treating diabetes.

Chiropracic Care for diabetes

Prevention of Diabetes Through Chiropractic Care:

In previous posts I have discussed the many benefits of chiropractic care as a wellness protocol. Regular appointments with a chiropractor can keep your spine perfectly aligned, enabling optimal functioning of your central nervous system. This in turn helps to maintain the health of other critical functions of your body, including your immune system and pancreatic function.

Far from being a treatment solely for neck and upper or lower back pain, Chiropractic as part of a wellness program can keep you from many conditions and diseases that might otherwise impair your ability to lead a normal life – Including diabetes. Chiropractic treatment is perfectly suitable for children and adolescents, who are among those most likely to develop Type I Diabetes. By embracing a personalized wellness plan combining chiropractic care with good nutrition and plenty of exercise, young people can reduce their risk of becoming diabetic.

Chiropractic Care for Diabetics :

If you already have diabetes, it’s not too late to benefit from chiropractic treatment. Along with your blood sugar monitoring and insulin administration, regular visits to your chiropractor can certainly help to curb progression of the disorder and assist you in maintaining stability. While it cannot yet be said with certainty that chiropractic care can reverse diabetes, any steps to prevent increased insulin dependence are surely steps in the right direction.

The vast majority of diabetes patients are those with Type II Diabetes, which is usually progressive in nature and has strong links to obesity. While Type II Diabetes sufferers may not initially need to receive insulin doses, the need can arise as the condition advances. Chiropractors focus on helping patients to implement exercise programs and dietary improvements as well as returning the central nervous system to a healthy state.If you are a Type II Diabetes sufferer, seeing your chiropractor regularly can help you to slow or even halt the progression of your condition. The treatment also strengthens your immune system, reducing the risk of further health complications.

Here at Orange County Wellness Physicians, we have a team of highly skilled chiropractors with the expertise to help you manage your diabetes and reduce your reliance on insulin. If you or any of your loved ones suffer from Type I or Type II Diabetes, you can reduce its impact on your life right away. All you need to do is schedule an appointment online or give us a call at 657-837-2608.

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