
In Orange County, a significant number of people turn to chiropractors for fibromyalgia relief, finding solace in treatments that offer more than just temporary symptom management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chiropractic care is effective for fibromyalgia treatment in Orange County, benefiting from spinal adjustments.
  • It addresses the root cause by focusing on the central nervous system, unlike medication that only offers temporary relief.
  • Patients often experience reduced pain, improved sleep, and less fatigue.
  • Chiropractic adjustments are safer and provide longer-lasting benefits compared to medication.

Why do patients with fibromyalgia seek chiropractic care in Orange County?

Patients with fibromyalgia seek chiropractic care in Orange County for its effectiveness in reducing pain, improving sleep, and lessening fatigue through spinal adjustments, offering a safer and longer-lasting alternative to medication.

Chiropractic care emerges as a beacon of hope for fibromyalgia sufferers in Orange County. Despite the syndrome’s complexity and lack of a cure, chiropractic treatments provide a path to reduced pain and improved quality of life. This approach diverges from traditional medication by targeting the central nervous system’s role in the condition. Chiropractors’ focus on spinal alignment and lifestyle adjustments presents a holistic remedy that not only alleviates symptoms but also enhances overall wellbeing. As evidence mounts in favor of chiropractic benefits, it becomes a pivotal solution for those grappling with this debilitating condition, promising a future where fibromyalgia can be managed more effectively and safely.

With around one in 50 Americans, predominantly women, suffering from the symptoms of fibromyalgia, somewhere around 60,000 people will at some point seek fibromyalgia treatment in Orange County alone. A town the size of Huntington Beach will be home to around 4,000 fibromyalgia sufferers. If you’re one of those people diagnosed with fibromyalgia or you have a friend or family member who suffers, good news could be at hand. Although fibromyalgia remains an enigma and no known cure exists for the syndrome, sufferers can break free from a life of chronic pain and medication by seeking treatment at the hands of a Huntington Beach Chiropractor.

While chiropractic care might sound like one of the least likely forms of therapy to treat a condition which causes pain and tenderness throughout the whole body, numerous studies have shown it to be effective. There are good reasons why chiropractic adjustment often delivers dramatic improvements to fibromyalgia symptoms. Before exploring those reasons, let’s take a look at what makes fibromyalgia such a disruptive and immobilizing condition.

Chronic Pain – The Hallmark of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome replete with a diverse range of symptoms, although the primary manifestation is chronic and debilitating pain affecting the entire body. Among the many thousands of people receiving therapy for chronic pain relief in Orange County, a good proportion will be fibromyalgia sufferers, whether or not they have been diagnosed as such. Other symptoms of fibromyalgia tend to increase and decrease in range and severity along with the degree and distribution of pain suffered by a patient.

Along with widespread, chronic pain, the other common symptoms of fibromyalgia include the following:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Chronic tiredness and fatigue
  • Problems with memory and cognitive function (known as fibro fog)
  • Muscle stiffness and soreness on waking from sleep
  • Sensitivity to light, smells and sounds
  • Anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional instability

On seeing this list of symptoms and experiencing some of them if you are a fibromyalgia sufferer, you might consider it improbable that a Huntington Beach chiropractor or any other chiropractic doctor could address them successfully. However, address them they can and furthermore, do so to better effect than any allopathic treatment.

Allopathic Approach to Fibromyalgia

As previously mentioned, there is no cure available for fibromyalgia. All that can be done, within any field of medicine and healthcare is to offer pain management help and try to reduce the severity of symptoms. Therefore the allopathic approach to fibromyalgia, once diagnosed, is to treat the symptoms of the condition with medication. The main problem with this approach is that the wide range of symptoms requires a wide range of medications.

Medications for fibromyalgia can include anti-inflammatories, painkilling drugs and antidepressants. There are a few drugs which have been developed specifically for the treatment of fibromyalgia, namely Lyrica, Cymbalta and Savella. While some patients report that these drugs have helped their conditions, there are as many who perceived no benefit. Moreover, all three fibromyalgia medications and many of the other drugs prescribed to sufferers carry unpleasant and sometimes harmful side effects, whilst offering only temporary respite from fibromyalgia symptoms.

So how can chiropractic care succeed where medication fails as a solution for the thousands of people needing treatment for fibromyalgia in Orange County? The answer is in the way that chiropractic treatment gets to the heart of the problem – The central nervous system.

How Chiropractors Treat Fibromyalgia

Research suggests a connection between abnormalities in the central nervous system and fibromyalgia. This would appear to be borne out by studies in which fibromyalgia sufferers attained a reduction in pain, sleeping problems and fatigue after undergoing sessions of chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractors are experts in caring for the central nervous system, which plays such an important part in our overall health.

Your chiropractic care for fibromyalgia primarily by addressing your spinal alignment. Any misalignments or “subluxations” in your spinal vertebrae can cause pressure and irritation to the nerves which run through your spinal cord and disrupt their ability to function normally. Since subluxations and fibromyalgia both have a tendency to develop after an injury or other spinal trauma, there is the distinct possibility of a connection between spinal misalignment and fibromyalgia.

fibromyalgia chiroprators care

Pain Reduction Often Followed by Other Improvements

Whether the connection exists or not, the fact remains that when a chiropractor identifies and manipulates spinal misalignments, a patient with fibromyalgia often experiences a notable reduction in muscle spasms and the pain which radiates through all areas of his or her body. With the pain and tenderness reduced, other symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as fatigue, depression and sleep disorders are also inclined to show improvement.

Along with treating subluxations and bringing your spine into normal alignment, your chiropractor will also help you to affect changes to your lifestyle, diet and sleeping habits to reinforce the benefits realized through adjustment. While even chiropractic care can’t cure fibromyalgia, it’s been shown again and again to relieve the chronic pain of the condition, often to the point where a sufferer can lead a normal life without being crippled by aching muscles and constant tiredness.

Even better, chiropractic adjustment is a far safer treatment for fibromyalgia symptoms than medication and its benefits are longer lasting. With a regular program of treatment from your Huntington Beach Chiropractor, you or your loved one can manage fibromyalgia into the background and possibly eliminate the symptoms permanently.